編集: fungamemake.com (著作者:NICE☆GUY)
- BGMループ有り:35 + 80から100程度(元のmidi素材のバージョン違いを考慮してカウント)
- BGMループ無し:0 + 10未満
- SE:184 + 21 = 205
- ba - 戦闘系 (48)
- es - イベント・シーン (33)
- ji - ジングル・ファンファーレ (14)
- sd - ステージ・ダンジョン (117)
- td - 街・日常 (15)
- se - 効果音 (22)
ファイル名 - 曲名
- ba
- ASNG_AcrossStreetCrossOneHeart_Introless - Across the Street, Cross One's Heart -introless-
- ASNG_AcrossStreetCrossOneHeart - Across the Street, Cross One's Heart
- ASNG_Argue_Sptuned - Argue -sptuned-
- ASNG_Argue - Argue
- ASNG_BloodyTusksMuddyClaws_Introless - Bloody tusks, Muddy claws -introless-
- ASNG_BloodyTusksMuddyClaws - Bloody tusks, Muddy claws
- ASNG_Bovverboy - Bovverboy
- ASNG_DamonHate_Introless - Damon's Hate -introless-
- ASNG_DamonHate - Damon's Hate
- ASNG_Entrust - Entrust
- ASNG_GeneralHurricane - General Hurricane
- ASNG_LikeJade_Introless - Like a Jade -introless-
- ASNG_LikeJade - Like a Jade
- ASNG_Metamorphose - Metamorphose
- ASNG_ROUTINEWORK_Introless - ROUTINEWORK -introless-
- ASNG_TakeNoPrisoner_Introless - Take no Prisoner -introless-
- ASNG_TakeNoPrisoner - Take no Prisoner
- ASNG_InSmallPalmThatClutchesBack_Introless1 - 握り返す小さな掌に -introless1-
- ASNG_InSmallPalmThatClutchesBack_Introless2 - 握り返す小さな掌に -introless2-
- ASNG_InSmallPalmThatClutchesBack - 握り返す小さな掌に
- ASNG_HeWhoDefeatsYouWillNotBeSword_Introless - 君を破りしは剣に非ず -introless-
- ASNG_HeWhoDefeatsYouWillNotBeSword - 君を破りしは剣に非ず
- ASNG_RighteousnessAnguishConvictionAndAnguish - 正義煩悶信念苦悩
- ASNG_FerventHypocriticalPropaganda_Introless - 熱烈偽善プロパガンダ -introless-
- ASNG_FerventHypocriticalPropaganda - 熱烈偽善プロパガンダ
- ASNG_LoomingWingsOfAwe_Introless - 迫る迫る畏怖の翼 -introless-
- ASNG_LoomingWingsOfAwe - 迫る迫る畏怖の翼
- ASNG_CatharsisOfAllegoricalWindInstrument_Introless - 諷意風琴カタルシス -introless-
- ASNG_SatanicWindTurbineCatharsis_Sptuned - 諷意風琴カタルシス -sptuned-
- ASNG_CatharsisOfAllegoricalWindInstrument - 諷意風琴カタルシス
- ASNG_FourWings_Intropat2 - Four Wings - 少年と、竜 -intropat2-
- ASNG_FourWings - Four Wings - 少年と、竜
- ASNG_GraySkyPlay_Intropat2 - Gray Sky Play - 寒空の下、彼らは -intropat2-
- ASNG_GraySkyPlay - Gray Sky Play - 寒空の下、彼らは
- ASNG_MaterialEdgeMoreSharpen_Intropat2 - Material Edge more Sharpen - より鋭く、より強く -intropat2-
- ASNG_MaterialEdgeMoreSharpen - Material Edge more Sharpen - より鋭く、より強く
- ASNG_ORIGAMICyclone - ORIGAMI Cyclone - 見切れたッ!
- ASNG_ShakeoffRevelationOf_Intropat2 - Shakeoff A revelation of - 叛逆のカナリヤ -intropat2-
- ASNG_ShakeoffRevelationOf - Shakeoff A revelation of - 叛逆のカナリヤ
- ASNG_StrikeLight_Intropat2 - Strike the Light - 熱く冷ややかな一条の光 -intropat2-
- ASNG_StrikeLight - Strike the Light - 熱く冷ややかな一条の光
- ASNG_ButterflyStorm_Intropat2 - The Butterfly's Storm - とある揚羽蝶の夢 -intropat2-
- ASNG_ButterflyStorm - The Butterfly's Storm - とある揚羽蝶の夢
- ASNG_TwoHandsStonesAndTower_Intropat2 - Two hands, Stones, And the tower - 築くもの、拙くとも -intropat2-
- ASNG_TwoHandsStonesAndTower - Two hands, Stones, And the tower - 築くもの、拙くとも
- es
- ASNG_Focus - Focus
- ASNG_HarvestMoon - Harvest Moon
- ASNG_HelloImHome_Introless - Hello, I'm home -introless-
- ASNG_HelloImHome - Hello, I'm home
- ASNG_IHopeToBeInTenderrain - I hope to be in Tenderrain
- ASNG_IUnderstandHowYouFeel - I'll understand how you feel
- ASNG_ImGuest - I'm a Guest
- ASNG_InstantVer2 - Instant Ver2
- ASNG_Instant - Instant
- ASNG_Jest - Jest
- ASNG_LikeBrokenJewelry - Like a Broken jewelry
- ASNG_LilybellWasPicked - Lilybell was picked
- ASNG_Lilywhite - Lilywhite
- ASNG_MilkyMilkyOcean - Milky, Milky Ocean
- ASNG_NamelessTeenagers - Nameless Teenagers
- ASNG_NoJusticeNoVice - No justice, No vice
- ASNG_NobodyHereIn? - Nobody here in?
- ASNG_Qualm - Qualm
- ASNG_RoseNeedle - Rose Needle
- ASNG_Schemer - The schemer
- ASNG_WishOfWhitehorsePrince - Wish of A whitehorse prince
- ASNG_WhatYouGaveMe - あなたが私にくれたものは
- ASNG_SecretBase - ひみつきち
- ASNG_MayNobleFlowerRestInPeace - 気高き花よ安らかに
- ASNG_ExpiredDayBeforeLast - 賞味期限がおとといだった
- ASNG_Endlessly - 天道奈落果てしなく
- ASNG_WalkingAcrossWaterEdge - 波打ち際、横歩き
- ASNG_SecretRecipeForHomeCooking - 秘伝の味をご家庭で
- ASNG_NightRoadDrizzle - 夜道、霧雨
- ASNG_OwlEyes - 梟の瞳
- ASNG_AloneWorld - alone the world
- ASNG_BruntAndButt - Brunt and Butt
- ASNG_CherryBlossomDisease - さくらのやまい
- ji
- ASNG_StraycatWas - A straycat was...
- ASNG_CrescentMoon - Crescent Moon
- ASNG_Dinnertime - dinnertime
- ASNG_Gewgaw - Gewgaw
- ASNG_HypocrisyImprint - Hypocrisy Imprint
- ASNG_IDareToBeInExcitement - I dare to be in Excitement
- ASNG_Ownfault - Ownfault
- ASNG_ShallowSleep - Shallow Sleep
- ASNG_Wry - Wry
- ASNG_Ripples - さざなみ
- ASNG_RupturedAndDividedIdeology - 決裂分断イデオロギー
- ASNG_OnOneOwnAccount - 指折り数えて
- ASNG_RockSolidSmile - 磐石薄ら笑い
- ASNG_FierceFierceBattleCry - 猛る猛る勝鬨の声
- sd
- ASNG_StraycatBitesMe_Introless - A straycat bites me -introless-
- ASNG_StraycatBitesMe_Sptuned - A straycat bites me -sptuned-
- ASNG_StraycatBitesMe - A straycat bites me
- ASNG_AssumeAnAirOfWisdom_Introless - Assume An air of Wisdom -introless-
- ASNG_AssumeAnAirOfWisdom - Assume An air of Wisdom
- ASNG_BloodyFingersMuddyHands_Introless - Bloody fingers, Muddy hands -introless-
- ASNG_BloodyFingersMuddyHands_Sptuned - Bloody fingers, Muddy hands -sptuned-
- ASNG_BloodyFingersMuddyHands - Bloody fingers, Muddy hands
- ASNG_BooksMyDarling_Introless1 - Books My Darling -introless1-
- ASNG_BooksMyDarling_Introless2 - Books My Darling -introless2-
- ASNG_BooksMyDarling - Books My Darling
- ASNG_Cherries - Cherries
- ASNG_CougarDeathparadeIntrokess - Cougar Deathparade -introkess-
- ASNG_CougarDeathparade - Cougar Deathparade
- ASNG_EnjoyTravelOfCrimes - Enjoy The travel of Crimes
- ASNG_GratefulInterceptor_Introless - Grateful Interceptor -introless-
- ASNG_GratefulInterceptor - Grateful Interceptor
- ASNG_IDareToBeInCruelheart_Introless - I dare to be in Cruelheart -introless-
- ASNG_IDareToBeInCruelheart - I dare to be in Cruelheart
- ASNG_InSuppliantAttitude_Introless - in a suppliant attitude -introless-
- ASNG_InSuppliantAttitude - in a suppliant attitude
- ASNG_IronyIronyIdentity_Introless - Irony Irony Identity -introless-
- ASNG_IronyIronyIdentity - Irony Irony Identity
- ASNG_LetMeAloneLightMeLittle_Introless - Let me alone, Light me a little -introless-
- ASNG_LetMeAloneLightMeLittle - Let me alone, Light me a little
- ASNG_LivingTestament_Introless - Living Testament -introless-
- ASNG_LivingTestamentVer2_Introless - Living Testament Ver2 -introless-
- ASNG_LivingTestamentVer2 - Living Testament Ver2
- ASNG_LivingTestament - Living Testament
- ASNG_LowbrowLayman_Introless - Lowbrow Layman -introless-
- ASNG_LowbrowLaymanMoreGuilty_Introless - Lowbrow Layman more Guilty -introless-
- ASNG_LowbrowLaymanMoreGuilty - Lowbrow Layman more Guilty
- ASNG_LowbrowLayman - Lowbrow Layman
- ASNG_MyWickedDaughter_Introless - My Wicked Daughter -introless-
- ASNG_MyWickedDaughter - My Wicked Daughter
- ASNG_NeverCatchAtFallingKnife_Introless - Never catch at a falling knife -introless-
- ASNG_NeverCatchAtFallingKnife - Never catch at a falling knife
- ASNG_NihilisticSilver - Nihilistic Silver
- ASNG_PrinceCallingPrincessCrying_Introless - Prince Calling, Princess Crying -introless-
- ASNG_PrinceCallingPrincessCrying - Prince Calling, Princess Crying
- ASNG_QueenDynamism - Queen's Dynamism
- ASNG_Ridley_Introless - Ridley -introless-
- ASNG_Ridley - Ridley
- ASNG_RippleOnMirror_Introless - Ripple on The mirror -introless-
- ASNG_RippleOnMirror - Ripple on The mirror
- ASNG_SlashMeIfYouCan_Introless - Slash me, If you can -introless-
- ASNG_SlashMeIfYouCan - Slash me, If you can
- ASNG_SorrySorryBluesky_Introless - Sorry, Sorry, Bluesky -introless-
- ASNG_SorrySorryBluesky - Sorry, Sorry, Bluesky
- ASNG_SpoiltLady_Introless - Spoilt Lady -introless-
- ASNG_SpoiltLady - Spoilt Lady
- ASNG_StainedFaithToFaith_Introless - Stained faith to faith -introless-
- ASNG_StainedFaithToFaith - Stained faith to faith
- ASNG_CuriosityTramplesEvenItDown_Introless - The curiosity tramples even it down -introless-
- ASNG_CuriosityTramplesEvenItDown - The curiosity tramples even it down
- ASNG_Vendett-_Introless- - Vendetta -introless-
- ASNG_Vendetta - Vendetta
- ASNG_WhitebressLikeStingSting_Introless - Whitebress Like Sting Sting -introless-
- ASNG_WhitebressLikeStingSting - Whitebress Like Sting Sting
- ASNG_WildPassion_Introless - Wild Passion -introless-
- ASNG_WildPassion_Sptuned - Wild Passion -sptuned-
- ASNG_WildPassion - Wild Passion
- ASNG_CompulsiveAbutment - 強迫性アバンチュール
- ASNG_YellowishBrownHairBlizzard_Introless - 錦鶯花吹雪 -introless-
- ASNG_YellowishBrownHairBlizzard - 錦鶯花吹雪
- ASNG_BreakingAwayFromBlackRelief_Introless - 黒い安堵からの脱却 -introless-
- ASNG_BreakingAwayFromBlackRelief - 黒い安堵からの脱却
- ASNG_Jealousy,DelusionAndPossessiveness - 嫉妬妄執独占欲
- ASNG_OScorchedEarth,EmbraceYourself_Introless - 焦土よ我を抱け -introless-
- ASNG_OScorchedEarth,EmbraceYourself - 焦土よ我を抱け
- ASNG_ForWhomBellTolls_Introless - 誰が為に鐘は鳴る -introless-
- ASNG_ForWhomBellTolls - 誰が為に鐘は鳴る
- ASNG_LikeWorm,You_Introless - 虫けらのような、あなた -introless-
- ASNG_LikeWorm,You - 虫けらのような、あなた
- ASNG_HisOwnNameIsWailing - 彼の者の名は、慟哭
- ASNG_CoupleOfSoldiers,CoupleOfStories_Introless - 兵二人、かく語りき -introless-
- ASNG_CoupleOfSoldiers,CoupleOfStories - 兵二人、かく語りき
- ASNG_ClosedLoopThoughtControl_Introless - 閉塞排他思想統制 -introless-
- ASNG_ClosedLoopThoughtControl - 閉塞排他思想統制
- ASNG_ConspiracyConflictOfInterest_Introless - 謀議陥穽明日は我が身か -introless-
- ASNG_ConspiracyConflictOfInterest - 謀議陥穽明日は我が身か
- ASNG_OutlawsComeQuietly_Introless - 無法者は静かに訪れる -introless-
- ASNG_OutlawsComeQuietly - 無法者は静かに訪れる
- ASNG_Friend_eyeIsKnothole_Introless - 友よその眼は節穴か -introless-
- ASNG_Friend_eyeIsKnothole - 友よその眼は節穴か
- ASNG_ToadWithPretendExistence - 有体さながら茹で蛙
- ASNG_ServileCatastrophe_Introless - 隷属カタストロフ -introless-
- ASNG_SlaveCatastrophe_Sptuned - 隷属カタストロフ -sptuned-
- ASNG_ServileCatastrophe - 隷属カタストロフ
- ASNG_DoLizardsShedTearsOfSand_Introless - 蜥蜴は砂の涙を流すか -introless-
- ASNG_DoLizardsShedTearsOfSand - 蜥蜴は砂の涙を流すか
- ASNG_GrandstanderI_Intropat2 - A grandstander - その身に背負うものあまりに重く -iintropat2-
- ASNG_Grandstander - A grandstander - その身に背負うものあまりに重く
- ASNG_SteppingToDestroyWorld_Intropat2 - A stepping to destroy the world - 背に光を、地上に影を -intropat2-
- ASNG_SteppingToDestroyWorld - A stepping to destroy the world - 背に光を、地上に影を
- ASNG_BalaenicepsRex_Intropat2 - Balaeniceps rex - 彫像の王と湖畔の玉座 -intropat2-
- ASNG_BalaenicepsRex - Balaeniceps rex - 彫像の王と湖畔の玉座
- ASNG_BlackdotsOnRedcarpets_Intropat2 - Blackdots on Redcarpets - 黒点と絨毯 -intropat2-
- ASNG_BlackdotsOnRedcarpets - Blackdots on Redcarpets - 黒点と絨毯
- ASNG_DearYou_Intropat2 - Dear You - 捧ぐ、死の仮面 -intropat2-
- ASNG_DearYou - Dear You - 捧ぐ、死の仮面
- ASNG_DuhamelFormul - Duhamel's formula - 天使デュアメルの道標
- ASNG_HeavyArmor_Intropat2 - Heavy Armor - 重金属の歩み -intropat2-
- ASNG_HeavyArmor - Heavy Armor - 重金属の歩み
- ASNG_IDareToBeIn_Intropat2 - I dare to be in - 冷血の海へ -intropat2-
- ASNG_IDareToBeIn - I dare to be in - 冷血の海へ
- ASNG_ImitationFlower_Intropat2 - Imitation Flower - 不朽の花の願い -intropat2-
- ASNG_ImitationFlower - Imitation Flower - 不朽の花の願い
- ASNG_LikeLapisLazuli - Like a Lapis lazuli - 煌くは、瑠璃のように
- ASNG_MajesticSilver - Majestic Silver - 銀の華、とめどなく
- ASNG_RavenousPigeon_Intropat2 - Ravenous Pigeon - 黒き鳩の教唆 -intropat2-
- ASNG_RavenousPigeon - Ravenous Pigeon - 黒き鳩の教唆
- ASNG_SplitGirl_Intropat2 - Split Girl - 無限の空を見上げるために -intropat2-
- ASNG_SplitGirl - Split Girl - 無限の空を見上げるために
- ASNG_YourEpitaph_Intropat2 - Your Epitaph - 惰眠の王 -intropat2-
- ASNG_YourEpitaph - Your Epitaph - 惰眠の王
- td
- ASNG_CookieBiscuit - Cookie Biscuit
- ASNG_DeliciousStrawberry - Delicious Strawberry
- ASNG_Eastload - Eastload
- ASNG_ForTimeBeing - for the time being
- ASNG_HasteMakesWaste - Haste makes Waste
- ASNG_PumpkinSoup - Pumpkin Soup
- ASNG_Shishi-Odoshi - Shishi-Odoshi
- ASNG_SnoozeOnUnderTree - Snooze on Under the tree
- ASNG_DuckKing - アヒルの王様
- ASNG_DodgerWaltz - ペテン師のワルツ
- ASNG_RiceEarsAndHoeAndGrassFlute - 稲穂と鍬と草笛と
- ASNG_TemptationOfSevenColors - 七色の誘惑
- ASNG_SkinnyFox - 痩せ狐
- ASNG_OblateOfSunshine - 陽光のオブラート
- ASNG_GoingOutFromWindow - Going out from a window - わらわのお忍び紀行
- 伝説の勇者を怒らせる48の方法BGM
- Fixer_l - Fixer
- Argue_l - Argue
- NoMoreThanDownside_l - No more than A downside
- Gestures_l - Gestures
- LikeVioletQuartz_Denpachi_l - Like a Violet quartz -Ver denpachi-
- NiceJoke_l - Nice joke
- CallMeKing_l - 王様とお呼び!
- GreenglassCallWind_l - Greenglass call the Wind
- Fairytooth_l - Fairytooth
- MummyMummyHunting_l - Mummy's mummy hunting
- OhMyGodFather_l - Oh, My God father
- Delicious_l - Delicious!
- Acrophobia_l - Acrophobia
- SunnyRain_l - Sunny Rain
- 48Ways - 伝説の勇者を怒らせる48の方法
- 4Towers_l - 四衝天
- DreamFrom1985_l - from 1985
- EnnuiEnnui_l - ennui
- Tokageroppa_l - トカゲロッパ!
- HareFeeling_l - うさぎのきもち
- GetSeriousTomorrow_l - 明日から本気出す
- ImGod_l - 私は、神だ。
- ImDemonKing_l - 魔王ですけど、何か?
- PODFeaturingDE_KU_l - P.O.D. Featuring DE-KU
- PuddingTooGood_l - プリンが美味すぎるでござるの巻
- DroppedPudding_l - プリンを落としたでござるの巻
- PuddingShelfLife_l - プリンを食べたら賞味期限がアレだったでござるの巻
- NotConcernMeAtAll_l - どこ吹く風
- WithBookPillow - 本の枕で
- PresentedByNICE_GUY - Booooost!
- Wellcome! - ウェルカーム!
- MamesaburoEndo_l - その名は遠藤豆三郎
- HeyStranger_l - Hey, Stranger
- BehindCorner_l - あの角の向こうには
- BeyondHills_l - あの丘の向こうには